
12 Steps To Implement That Can Help You Reduce Your Marketing Budget By 75%

If you have a moderate budget, do the following. Thank me after 6 months.

If you have a moderate budget, do the following. Thank me after 6 months.

  1. Identify your MOST SELLING SERVICE/PRODUCT/SOLUTION. Emphasis: something that solves a real human problem or meets a need.
  2. Create a FREE SERVICE around that.
  3. Invite interested people to enjoy this free bouquet. Create the following options for them to join:

A. WhatsApp
B. Email List
C. A Web or Mobile App

  1. Build activities around item (2) and keep sharing frequently. Daily, every other day or as you deem fit. Emphasis: DAILY IS BEST.
  2. Get people to become ADDICTED or USED TO or IN LOVE with what you serve them and HOW you serve them. Emphasis: be available and genuinely ready to solve problems for the people in your community.
  3. Upsell a paid service or product or a subscription BASED ON MEMBER ENGAGEMENTS & FEEDBACK.
  4. Create a Community exclusively to serve those who pay to be served. Treat them with more premium.
  5. Repeat (3) every day.
  6. Repeat (4) with discipline and consistency.
  7. Repeat (6) as the window opens.
  8. Cut your Marketing Budget by 75%
  9. Check your Account Inflows in 6 months.
  10. Send me a Thank You Gift.

I am The Octopus: the Specialist for Business/Brand Communities & Memberships.

Take my Community Management Course on https://samobafemi.com/communitymanager

m a k t u b !!!

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