

6 weeks ago, I went under the knife for the first time in my life. Prior to 2022, I had never been examined or undergone any bodily impact so it was quite a tense and anxious period leading to the surgery.

(Long Post Alert)

6 weeks ago, I went under the knife for the first time in my life. Prior to 2022, I had never been examined or undergone any bodily impact so it was quite a tense and anxious period leading to the surgery. It’s been 6 weeks now. I woke up this morning, staring at the mirror and I loved my ‘re-boosted’ body. I feel like I’m recharged for another 60 years of global work. My season to commence business missions has just opened. In retrospect, here are 3 lessons I can adapt for any business owner to ponder on:

  1. I did not know how it will end: because I never had any surgeries, in fact, the only time I have been inside a ‘theatre’ was 25 years ago when my kid Sister, Abigail, was born. My 2 daughters were born ‘easily’ and I had no idea what a theatre looked like. So having to be worked on, I had no idea what will happen. The Surgeon was so helpful and kind. He literally schooled me towards the event but I still had apprehensions. How would the anesthesia impact me? How would the cut happen? Where will I be cut open? How long will I take to heal? Will I walk well afterwards? Etc.

This happens in business. A Founder and CEO must know when to commit a huge sacrifice to upgrade their systems and this comes with huge apprehensions. In January, SOBCA decided to hire 2 key staff: a Growth Manager & an Operations Executive. These raised our monthly costs by at least 300K. It’s not a little decision. It’s a major decision and guess what? With hiring, you never know the outcome! Is it a good hire or a bad hire? Only the results afterwards can tell. That’s how business is. GET USED TO NORMALIZING APPREHENSIONS IN BUSINESS STRATEGY.

  1. It cost me a PREMIUM. I spent some good money out of my savings to get this done and out of the way. Before the costing was advised, I was not even sure whether it will be low or high cost. Pardon me. This experience showed me that I am a complete novice with hospitals and medical stuff. Damn!!! So when the amount was confirmed, I did not even know whether to debate its value. However, because I had so much trust and confidence in the surgeon, and because he had been so kind to me explaining each step, I literally felt I should reward his professionalism with not negotiating the fee. I am happy I did.

In business, first focus on value and competence. Focus on customer fulfillment. Focus on service delivery. The cost is usually VERY INCONSEQUENTIAL if these elements are guaranteed. I paid a premium and today, 6 weeks after, I am more than happy I did.

  1. I followed the rules of monitoring my healing. The surgeon and his team educated me on the rules to observe: lay on your back most times, minimize how intense and long you walk, never lift any item or weights, never bend acutely, eat anything that makes your stool soft, clean surgery site with methylated spirit twice a day, etc. I followed all TO THE LETTER. A few times that I attempted to do otherwise, I literally felt the surge of pain that told me not to be stupid. Today, I am the better for it. In fact, 99% of the people who know me never knew I had a surgery 6 weeks ago UNTIL TODAY AS YOU ARE READING THIS. That’s how well I have healed from following EXPERT ADVICE!!!

In business, you must TRUST THE ADVICE OF YOUR EXPERT. If you have hired someone who is an expert on something you hired them for, LET THEM DO THEIR JOB. That’s what Steve Jobs always said. What’s the point hiring a professional and doing their work for them? That’s double expense. Whenever you hire a consultant or coach whose work you believe in, LET THEM DO WHAT YOU ARE PAYING THEM FOR. I tell my staff: EVERYBODY SHOULD DO, AT LEAST, WHAT WE ARE PAYING YOU FOR!!! Simple!!!

So these are only 3 lessons from many that I have shared from my surgery. I hope these help.

I am grateful to the medical team, my family, my staff, and my friends who came through. Thank you very much.

I bless God. He has given me another lease to enjoy life. I am ready, Lord, for the next level.

I am a man God has helped.

m a k t u b!!!

The Octopus.

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