SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
My daughters and sister are going to listen to this today. It is very instructive.
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At 29, Excellence Anurika Joshua has experienced what many in their 50's or 60's may never see in life
My daughters and sister are going to listen to this today. It is very instructive.
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At 29, Excellence Anurika Joshua has experienced what many in their 50’s or 60’s may never see in life. Despite growing up in a loving home with her parents and siblings, poverty made Excellence rush into a marriage that took everything away from her. She lost everything; from her mental health to her physical health. She had to restart her undergrad course all over again, had a baby from a miraculous recovery from Bilateral PCOS, suffered domestic violence and mental abuse, suffered a neurological breakdown and then hung herself in her house but was saved by the timely intervention of a neighbour.
Excellence believes God made her suffer all these because he needed to prepare her for her pet project TECH UP AFRICA, a project she originally founded to empower girls which has now become a grant-benefiting project across 19 African countries and some out of Europe. Recently, Excellence got accepted into Massachusetts to study a very limited course and the acceptance itself is a miracle.
My take away from this 85 minutes of vulnerable talk is MONEY AND KNOWLEDGE GIVES YOU THE POWER OF CHOICES. I was shaken listening to her. It is a riveting conversation. I hope you get maximum value and if you do, let me know in the comments.
Enjoy Excellence with me.
m a k t u b!!!
The Octopus.