SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Adidas has been paying Beyoncé 20 Million USD annually since 2018 (B) to be their influencer BUT IT HAS NOT BROUGHT THEM PROFIT TO DATE.
Adidas has been paying Beyoncé 20 Million USD annually since 2018 (B) to be their influencer BUT IT HAS NOT BROUGHT THEM PROFIT TO DATE. They had to terminate the deal this week. Adidas has several celebrities as their Brand influencers but only their deal with Kanye West has been profitable until the anti-Semitic scandal that crashed the deal, which is still affecting Adidas sales to date. This 2023, Adidas is making a loss of 700 Million Euros 💶, their first annual loss in 31 years (A).
The irony of this is that Beyoncé single-handedly rebranded Lion King, the movie plus the sound track and helped Disney world make tons of money in the past 4 years. Raising the networth of Lion King brand value to 11.6 Billion USD (C).
What is the point I am driving at?
To be a brand influencer is not automatic profit for the brand one tries to influence. There are several factors that govern the success of brand influencing. Let me share 3 of them:
So as a business, if you really want to hire an influencer, please check these factors out diligently and be careful whom you pay. It may not return any positive ROI.
As a Brand Ambassador myself for a few brands including Shane’s Burger, UBIS University, et al, I have had to unlearn some cultural and belief limitations so that my personality and persona don’t work against the brands who want me to help them make money. To be a brand ambassador requires re-working your own beliefs so as to create advantage; not losses.
I hope this helps.
If you want to learn how I think, check out any of my creative works on
m a k t u b !!!