SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Branding is a very essential subject matter for anyone who is aware. Many people just want to do what they love and do it passionately; but not many seem to understand the power of doing anything with poise, finesse and intention. I mean, just imagine building something that anyone who encounters it feels awestruck by it, every single time
Branding is a very essential subject matter for anyone who is aware. Many people just want to do what they love and do it passionately; but not many seem to understand the power of doing anything with poise, finesse and intention. I mean, just imagine building something that anyone who encounters it feels awestruck by it, every single time.
Earlier this week, I was speaking at a national conference of an association and, while speaking, it occurred to me that brand testing is a thing. So, I have done some reflections and put together just three (3) tests you can measure your brand with.
My personal take is that A BRAND IS ANY ENTITY THAT THE PUBLIC HAS ACCESS TO. This can be a person, a business, an idea, an abstraction, a group, anything. Provided the public will have room to perceive, respond and engage that entity, it is a brand.
Well, generally, branding is seen as THE PERCEPTION A PERSON, OR GROUP OF PERSONS, HAVE ABOUT AN ENTITY. So this by itself is its importance. How your brand is perceived determines virtually everything the brand can or may not be able to do.
I personally define this as THE STRENGTH OF THE CUMULATIVE (OR AVERAGE) PERCEPTION OF YOUR BRAND. This can be ‘simplistically’ categorized into: Strong, Average or Weak. For branding experts, it may be more.
You will hear statements like ‘Ah! I know Fela Durotoye’ or ‘We were the first staff of BankPHB those days’ or ‘Steve Harris is my Mentor’ or ‘Coach Sam is my Coach’. #LoriIro 😜. So anytime there seems to be an exclusion of their claim to ‘fame’, it hurts. When people hurt because you don’t ‘join’ them to your brand, your brand is strong (or growing strong). This is why people will rush to buy (and own) your brand accessories like wristbands, T-shirts, Pants, Flash Drives, Journals/NotePads, Pens, Lapel Pins, etc
You will see people trying to copy your brand elements like logo style, vision statement, core values, brand colours, course or marketing content, etc. No vex. Be calming down. “IT IS FLATTERY TO BE COPIED” – Jeff Bezos
Not a few times have I met someone randomly who says ‘Oh! SOBCA!!! I met someone who attended SOBCA. They are so resourceful.’ Some will say ‘When I applied for this or that, I was told that they have heard of SOBCA before so it influenced their decision.’ I kid you not. I am grateful. But we are still FAR from the goal. I want my brands (personal and corporate) to be synonymous with ACCESS just like ROTARY CLUB INTERNATIONAL or TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL or COVENANT UNIVERSITY or KINGS COLLEGE/QUEENS COLLEGE, BAREWA BOYS, YALI, etc. There are some circles you belong to that looks like YOU ARE GUARANTEED ACCESS TO VIRTUALLY EVERYWHERE. This, for me, is the ultimate brand test. If your brand opens doors for your members and adherents, GO AND SLEEP. You don hammer!!!
If you want to TUNE UP your brand, please let me brainstorm with you and connect you with power blocks that can coach you to that ambition. Send me an email request to COACHSAM@SOBCAONLINE.COM. Make the SUBJECT: BRAND TEST.
m a k t u b!!!
The Octopus.