SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
When you are afraid of losing big money, you’re not ready to make big money.
I can relate.
When you are afraid of losing big money, you’re not ready to make big money.
Some of us have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars that turned out sour. Some were great returns. Some were bad losses.
I once spent $1,700 for a $4,800 course and was kicked out because I didn’t pay the other course installments on time. Just like that.
There were years I have sponsored myself to go out of town just to feature as a Speaker at an event. Flight, accommodation, feeding; all on me. Just because I wanted to be out there.
I remember how I registered for a $38,000 programme and couldn’t continue after paying over 11K USD because the Dollar rate went to 4X what I started with. I had to stop because I didn’t have the justification to pay 27K at 4 times what I had paid for 11K.
So don’t come and tell me “Coach Sam, God don help you o. You’re so lucky.” Lucky ke???
With the help of God, I am paying for my brand and work WITH MY BLOOD AND SWEAT.
When people see my rate card today, they marvel why it’s high. Some even get angry. Someone once told Stella (COO, Cerca Africa) “who does he think he is? We can invite many people better than him that will take nothing from us.” And my response to Stella? “It is his prerogative to think so.” Simple!!! No fight.
So, if you feel hiring a Good Coach is TOO COSTLY, cool.
If you feel acquiring a Global Certification is TOO COSTLY, fine.
If you feel renting and furnishing a standard office is waste of money, okay.
If you feel joining vibrant communities like BSG and OSP is not worth your time and money, awesome.
If you feel YOU ARE NOT DESERVING TO SPEND ON YOU, you have a point.
Like Othman Abdulrasheed, The King of the North (Business Consultant), will say: “DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT A RESULT WHOSE WORK YOU DID NOT DO”.
Now, will you do something different from today?
What will it be?
m a k t u b !!!
The Octopus 🐙