A little more than 2 years ago, someone influential told me that I should do everything to get a second passport because knowing what he knows (he’s an insider), ‘these people' don’t care about Nigeria. When the chips are down, they will move. In fact, he said he had been so slow about his own residency but his contemporaries told him to guard it well for ‘incasity’ as we normally call it.

A little more than 2 years ago, someone influential told me that I should do everything to get a second passport because knowing what he knows (he’s an insider), ‘these people’ don’t care about Nigeria. When the chips are down, they will move. In fact, he said he had been so slow about his own residency but his contemporaries told him to guard it well for ‘incasity’ as we normally call it.

Today, I understand where he was going with that advice. BUT I STILL DO NOT HAVE A SECOND PASSPORT. I desire to. I am still working on it. If not for me, for my children to get a better option than I ever did.

So, since I do not have this passport, what shall I do about my business and interests in Nigeria? This post is for any of you who is like me… and I will try to be as brief as possible:

  1. Get serious about generating as much revenue as possible. There is no alternative to making money. The more money you make, the better for you. Make tons of money. Sell! Sell!! Sell!!! Sell skills! Sell other people’s products! Sell knowledge! Sell assets! Sell any legitimate stuff to become wealthier. Don’t restrict what you can sell. JUST MAKE AS MUCH MONEY AS YOU CAN.
  2. Buy stakes in FOREIGN CURRENCIES. I have done 8-9 figures in the last 120 days by buying a lot of stocks and interests in foreign businesses. THE NAIRA IS F**KING WEAK. Do not depend on the Naira. If you don’t know how to do this, go to www.samobafemi.com and find a course that talks about this. Or hit me up for coaching.
  3. Invest in FOREIGN RELATIONSHIPS. Platonic and romantic (if you’re single). One of your best bet to leaving Nigeria, whether on visitation or rehabilitation, is to have friends in as many countries as possible that can invite you. Credible friends, I mean. Not jaga-jaga friends that will lead you into trouble. Add value to them. Let them add value to you. Be responsible enough to attract responsible friends.
  4. Keep your local circle ‘intelligent’. So many Nigerians are not politically and culturally savvy. They just talk anyhow about anything. Be careful the friends you keep around here. Keep friends who are intelligent, conscious, and who think LONG TERM. The journey is FAR. We are in crisis and we need PERSEVERANCE for what is coming. Brace up!!!
  5. Open your mind. There may be several iterations in your business model if the economy doesn’t bounce back. Be ready to PIVOT. Be ready to evolve. Be ready to start something new so that your income never drops. Business is war. Brace up!

I can help you through this period of storm and chaos. If you want my help, reply this email or email coachsam@sobcaonline.com

m a k t u b!!!


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