SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Othman Abdulrasheed is the King of the North and a fast rising Business Coach. He is a Forbes Council Coach and also the forerunner of the Arewa Coaching Network, a syndicated body of coaches of northern extraction.
Othman Abdulrasheed is the King of the North and a fast rising Business Coach. He is a Forbes Council Coach and also the forerunner of the Arewa Coaching Network, a syndicated body of coaches of northern extraction.
I met Othman around 4 years ago and ever since, we have gone over 15 training gigs under our belt. I call him my #GigTwin. He calls us #FireAndIce. Hahahahahahaahaha… because I am the cool version of our training combo while he is the energy god of the combo. Recently, someone nicknamed him “The Check Guy” because Othman’s signature chant in trainings is #CHECK!!!!!
In this episode, we return to our beginning as Leader-Follower then we delve into our signature combo relationship. We then discuss some misconceptions that training merchants should take note of. We did not forget to drop a hint to coaches too who need to it up and up their game with customer experience. Ultimately, we talked about his flagship platform #BIZAC.
Othman is a jolly good fellow and you will enjoy this conversation. We laughed a lot and that’s what I love the most about this recording. Don’t forget to leave a comment. Check Othman out on IG as @IAmTheOthman. Don’t just listen please. Tell someone also. Have a good listen. Cheers.
m a k t u b!!!
The Octopus