SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
I have always supported businesses and brands, FREELY. But yesterday, for the first time in my public life and career, I got signed up and PAID to be a BRAND AMBASSADOR. It feels both flattering and inspiring.
I have always supported businesses and brands, FREELY. But yesterday, for the first time in my public life and career, I got signed up and PAID to be a BRAND AMBASSADOR. It feels both flattering and inspiring.
So, let me re-introduce myself: I am Sam Obafemi, MBA; The Octopus; DBA Candidate of University of Business Innovation and Sustainability (UBIS), Geneva Switzerland 🇨🇭 and Brand Ambassador, Shane’s Burger. 😁💃🕺🏻🕺🏻💃💃🕺🏻🕺🏻😄
I NEED YOUR SUPPORT TO SUCCEED AT THIS TASK, because if you know me well enough, I put my heart into any ‘job’ I get paid to deliver. Will you help me?
Just do me ONE FAVOUR:
FOLLOW SHANE’S BURGER ON INSTAGRAM. Just click and click “FOLLOW”. That is all !!!
Please do this for me.. so that you can see fresh stuff and be enticed to buy THE TASTIEST BURGER ON THE FCT.
PS: Have you heard of the #GIVEAWAY we are doing? Ten (10) People get to receive 5K each JUST LIKE THAT!!! Chai. See details on Shane’s Burger IG handle and tell that cousin, nephew, niece, teenager, and any of those people in your life always asking for “urgent 2K”; tell them to take a shot and get 5K before they go and do “OBIDIENT” or “ATIKULATED” or “EMILOKAN”. 😉
I congratulate myself for becoming attractive enough to be asked to be a Brand Ambassador. It definitely shows I am closer to my dream ‘ajebo’ life 😁 than ever before.
Please don’t forget.. click and follow.
Thank you.
m a k t u b !!!