

This week alone, there has been 3 mob actions that made the news. The most known is the Sokoto episode. There has been 1 in Edo and another one in Lagos. MOB ACTION IS A SYMPTOM OF A DEEPER PROBLEM.

As a practitioner of Anger Management for 10 years precisely, I can share my views about the terrible outcomes. My views are largely based on data available in public space as well as my personal deductions.

Here are my deductions:

  1. No mob action happens WITHOUT a trigger. Something or someone is always a trigger for what results in a mob action. Triggers like an insult, a curse, an oppressive action or a flagrant disrespect for another person’s preference. When 2 parties insist on having their way, which we call AWFULIZING in Anger Management, the outcomes can be dire like we have witnessed.
  2. Mob action is perpetuated by people, most of whom don’t even know the original offense or issue. Most of the people who partake in the mob action probably heard something different from what really happened and this inspired their participation. Most actors in a mob action are ignorant of the main cause. This is HERD MENTALITY that ALL MANKIND are subject to.
  3. Mob action is a sign that a society is lacking love, agreement, empathy, kindness and mutual care. When people are quick to kill another person, it is because hate and offense are existent in their midst. This can happen because a precedence of injustice, lack of care and lack of welfare has been allowed to fester for too long. When the mob, most of which are masses, are susceptible to being used by the elite to forment trouble and cause mayhem, POVERTY IS A MAJOR TOOL OF USE.

See, while sometimes one can be caught in the crossfire of mob action and riots, to a large extent it is possible to NEVER be caught in these crossfires. Yes!!! In Anger Management, there is what we call THE TRIPOD OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. It says that 3 decisions must guide a mind, as follows:

  1. SELF PRESERVATION: choosing actions to protect you and keep you alive and well. A living dog is better than a dead lion. Why not practice methods that keep you safe from harm and further keeps your family from harm. Not all troubles are worth the pains your family will suffer. This is not to say activism is misplaced. Activism is for positive good. But troubleshooting is not for positive good. With all due respect to the poor Deborah, her utterance (which I heard from a viral recording) was absolutely out of place. It could trigger even the most gentle faithful adherent. IT IS AVOIDABLE. IT WAS UNCALLED FOR.
  2. PEOPLE PRESERVATION: choosing actions that protect the emotions of the people you relate with. As an adult who believes in God, we must remember that God expects us to BE OUR BROTHER’S KEEPER. This has nothing to do with religious cohesion. While you may prioritize members of same faith, there is a base of humanity we should aspire to protect. The more divided we are, the more destruction-prone we are. This is possible. EVERY RELIGIOUS RIOT IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD WAS TRIGGERED BY LACK OF PEOPLE PRESERVATION. When you feel ‘other people’s emotions or concerns don’t matter.’ It always boomerangs.
  3. EARTH PRESERVATION: choosing actions that protect what keeps us together. Nigeria is our common land (as at today). Hate Nigeria or not, it is our current father and motherland. LESS THAN 1% OF NIGERIANS HAVE A SECOND PASSPORT. Are we not being foolish destroying the only land where you are a citizen? Isn’t that madness? Do you realize the impact on your unborn children and grandchildren? Let’s wake up!!!

Self preservation does not mean you are weak or a fool. No!!! I belong to many WhatsApp groups where members send preaching, both religions. Some share WHAT GOD CANNOT DO DOES NOT EXIST, and other early morning prayer movements into groups that have both Christians and Muslims. Some send to me privately unsolicited. But if we all will react to everything, then we will all set the nation in flames. Common! What’s wrong with us now?

LIVE AND LET LIVE. RESPECT PEOPLE’S CHOICES. And when they say ‘STOP’, please STOP. STOP does not have a spectrum. It is a full statement in itself.

It is in Nigeria that someone will hate you for declining his invitation to attend his church programme. This is an example of how INTOLERANT we are because we want to force people into a service to God that we chose ourselves. LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE TO SERVE AND ADORE GOD HOW THEY WANT AND NEVER BREACH IT.

Self preservation is NOT folly. Let us stop this AVOIDABLE FIRES 🔥. We don’t need it. Nigeria’s problems are too many. Too much issues. Let’s not make this a bigger one. Hunger dey o. Lack of jobs. Lack of employable people. Lack of power. Lack of long term head start. Lack of so many things for basic living. Who one worships is NOT supposed to be a problem.


m a k t u b!!!

The Octopus.

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