Some of my FAILED STRATEGIES in 2021.

My birthdays give me a few moments to reflect on what I have done right and what I tried that did not work… this week is such a moment … as I appreciate how God has helped me in the past 1 year.

My birthdays give me a few moments to reflect on what I have done right and what I tried that did not work… this week is such a moment … as I appreciate how God has helped me in the past 1 year.

This post is to inspire you that it is not only you who probably experiences uncompleted projects or failed initiatives.

Firstly, let me define ‘Failed’ in this post. Failed means: it did not deliver the specific goal I intended or the project/initiative took more from me than it gave me. Because, as you may know, there is really nothing called FAILURE. It is only feedback of how else I would do things next time. (Explained because of readers that jump into unsolicited advising 🙄 😁).

So my list:

  1. PRIORITY COACHING: firstly, I underpriced this service too much. My usual annual coaching fee was 1.8M (now 4M) but I offered 12 months coaching for 600K only. I got a lot of sign-ups, which I pruned at a point to only 6 people BUT THE DEMANDS OF THIS SERVICE FAR OUTWEIGH THE BENEFITS FOR ME. Especially because several refused to meet up their balance payments, and several appointments clashed with other higher paying opportunities that I had to lose because my promise was tied to the PC appointment. In 2022, I will not do PC. If I do, it will NOT be less than 2M discounted. And I won’t take more than 5 people and payment has to be 80/20 else, ❌.
  2. DOAC: #DiaryofaCoach was arguably my biggest force of 2019/2020. The equity of that brand was growing so fast and the community was addictive. As my strategies expanded into 2021, I thought selling my major stakes in DOAC would help me win-win: that is, let someone else run it while still earning from it. Well, your guess is as good as mine. Today though, DOAC is trademarked in my name but it is not immediately paying me any funds. I am still interested in building DOAC and it will be back IN FULLER FORCE.
  3. MiniBSG: this platform did not fail per se; but it was a capacity issue for my team. MiniBSG is our LOWER PRICED BSG course. It was quite valuable while it lasted but the operational cost in time and efforts was really high. My team was really overstretched in 2020. I am very proud of what my team has done since 2019 .. LITERALLY OVERWORKED despite the tough dynamics of business and customers. It is well o.

What of my WINS?

  1. Investments: the last year has seen me lower my risk aversions in investments. I have tested some waters and earned some ranks. I will consolidate every year from now.
  2. DMSC: Disruptive Marketing Strategy Clinic: Ah!!!!!! I got this right. I have always wanted to help people learn how to sell, communicate their products/services and generally make more money. The monthly DMSC, which is an offshoot of the 5-day class I held in June, is the magic. Already I’m counting down to October 23rd. It’s so heartwarming.
  3. Octopus Package: this is my signature Corporate Marketing Package that is currently $5,000 per client. I also got this right. I figured that since I love to write Content, I could as well sell ‘content writing’ and I don’t regret it. I will maintain the fee until December 2022 after which it may go up.
  4. Money Spinners Tribe: this is the FIRST TRIBE AFTER MY HEART. All I do, I think HOW CAN I BLESS THE MONEY SPINNERS TRIBE? It’s my wealth-access tribe that I constantly bless with ACCESS to my VAULT. The tribe grows monthly, some times slow, but surely. I plan to GIVE THEM MORE as we enter 2022. The fee will definitely go up sha. It is currently 150K one-time fee but it will go to $750 VERY SOON. 😜

Summarily, I am a man God has helped. God gave YOU to me to help me and I am grateful.

m a k t u b!!!


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