

I just completed a strategy session where we mapped: The Community OS … utilizing the operating system of communities to drive longterm deployment of knowledge for feedback-based service quality and product design.

I just completed a strategy session where we mapped: The Community OS … utilizing the operating system of communities to drive longterm deployment of knowledge for feedback-based service quality and product design.


What does that mean?

  1. You are very knowledgeable. You know A LOT but you’re not making money to reflect it. So, 👇
  2. Establish a FLAGSHIP Service or Product that represents what you’re known for.
  3. Drive believers, fans and buyers into a pool where they choose to meet you. A central place that forms the community for grooming, engaging, interacting and learning. The most reliable is an email list even though the most responsive is a WhatsApp Group. The most accessible is an SMS list but it has content size restrictions.
  4. Leverage the engagements to design custom-made services and products that are largely driven by the feedback within the community.
  5. Market the flagship product in (2) above and make the sole goal that of populating the community in (3) above.
  6. See your revenue grow like magnet and NEVER wane.

This 6-step process is the summary of a great marketing force using Community Management.

Learn more and take the course on https://samobafemi.com/communitymanager

Thank me later.

m a k t u b !!!


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