Dear Employee, I hear that you have been reading books like ‘How To Fire Your Boss’ and ‘How To Become A Boss’. Don’t you think that is limiting?

You see, we don’t approach life as though we are fighting the fingers that are feeding us. Whoever told you that your salary is the bribe that is paid to keep you from your dreams; that author woke up hungry and needed a meal.

Dear Employee, I hear that you have been reading books like ‘How To Fire Your Boss’ and ‘How To Become A Boss’. Don’t you think that is limiting?

You see, we don’t approach life as though we are fighting the fingers that are feeding us. Whoever told you that your salary is the bribe that is paid to keep you from your dreams; that author woke up hungry and needed a meal.

Your salary is not a bribe. No! It is a seed. (I broke this down sufficiently in my book FANS DON’T PAY. Get it on The truth is that if you cannot use your salary to build a life and dream, even your ‘Boss life’ will be wasted by your blindness.

You must seek to be an employee even before you seek to be an employer. The benefits are immense. They include:

1.) You will learn how employees truly feel when Management makes decisions. All management decisions have repercussions and a wrong decision can impoverish an employee. If you don’t know this feeling as an employee, you may not take proper employer decisions when you become a Boss.

2.) You will learn structure. An employee who aspires to run business does not limit him/herself to just their JD (JD means Job Description). Rather, he/she wants to know the handshake across the entire organization so that they are able to create a great functional brand of their own.

3.) You will learn GRIT or RESILIENCE. The best time to start your own hustle is while on a job. Use your spare hours, off-work hours, weekends, breaks, etc. Maximize the days you’re not at work to put your hustle to work. This period will help you overcome days when the hustle is not making money and how to use your salary as a buffer to cover for the teething problems of the new hustle. This was my strategy between 2007 and 2011. It worked.

If you are currently employed, you are not destined to be on that employment forever. You should aspire for any of these:

1.) Co-own the current company you work for. This is what SOBCA has done. Our Management staff are LEGAL CO-OWNERS of our company so that together ‘we die here’. If your Founder is open minded enough to accommodate this, go for it. Don’t just be an employee. Be a Co-Owner, Director, etc.

2.) Outgrow the job. While still being on the job, become an INDUSTRY HORSE 🐎 that across your sector, your name is known as an authority on that field. To do this, you’d have to join forums, affiliations, associations and professional bodies that will help you learn GLOBAL BEST PRACTICES and you can start gracing platforms OUTSIDE YOUR JOB. Become BIGGER than just your role. Become a Boss inside the organization and give the organization bigger clout outside.

3.) Become a CONSULTANT or SERVICE PROVIDER to your current employer. Yes!!! This is the sweetest part. This was my experience. I left my last job in 2011. I became a Guest Trainer to my former employer in 2015. Because I grew competencies to give value enough to be invited. You can become so good at your skill and go back to serve your employer as a consultant. The GRACE is different. This anointing has a different slap.

So, in 2022, stop being a loafer. Stop being a nag. Stop whining. Stop acting low. Stop waiting for that miracle manager that will catapult your appraisal for a pay increment. There is more to accomplish. You are the CAPTAIN 👩‍✈️ of your Ship 🚢. You are the Author ✍️ of your Destiny 💜. ACTIVATE!!!

m a k t u b!!!

The Octopus.

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