In 2018, after I felt that my second ever attempt at organizing a conference (BCP Conference) was too stressful and didn’t pay off, I went back to the drawing board. The outcome was BSG Summit, which we launched in 2019. This time around, a PAID EVENT; not FREE.

Read this evidence-based message.

(Long Post Alert)

In 2018, after I felt that my second ever attempt at organizing a conference (BCP Conference) was too stressful and didn’t pay off, I went back to the drawing board. The outcome was BSG Summit, which we launched in 2019. This time around, a PAID EVENT; not FREE.

The question now became IF A FREE EVENT DID NOT SUCCEED PROPERLY, HOW WILL YOU MAKE SUCCESS WITH A PAID EVENT? To make it more dire, an event that was priced at N100,000.00 per ticket.

Guess what? All BSG Summits TILL DATE (2019, 2021 and 2022) were FULL TO CAPACITY. Every single event.

I also compared these successes with our annual calendars at BSG and SOBCAonline. For example, we hold a 3-month BSG Course called BUSINESS STRATEGY COURSE; we do this 3 times every year since 2018. We are on STREAM 14 starting 1st July 2022. There has not been a stream that we did not have 15 people join. The limit has always been 15 CEOs. For Stream 14, we have 21 CEOs already. At SOBCA, we have sold out MORE COURSES than the number we have canceled or postponed.


I think that’s a very good pass mark.

But guess what again? WE DO NOT SPEND UP TO 1% OF OUR REVENUE OR BUDGET FOR MARKETING. In fact, to be honest, we are not marketing what we do in the conventional manner that marketing is done.

The overall payments we get from ALL our marketing efforts combined (organic and paid social media especially) is WAY LESS THAN 5% of our TOTAL INCOME.

So it means that MARKETING IS DEAD, the way people see it.

If this is so, what do we do?


It is a simple model I am willing to share:

  1. We BAIT the pedestrian reader or listener or follower online/offline…
  2. We invite you to our community VIA FREEMIUM EVENTS like our monthly FREE MENTAL HEALTH BUFFET or any other free events online and offline.
  3. We make our community of NEW and OLD Members feel rewarded. We are one of the MOST GENEROUS SYSTEMS you can ever know. We are constantly giving something for anything. We are deeply a reward system. A discount here or there; a bag, a meal, an access, sessions, gifts to your spouse or children, etc. SOMETHING MUST COME TO YOU FOR BEING WITH US.
  4. Then WE WAIT. We keep SHOWING YOU what we have that answers your WANTS & NEEDS. We allow you engage us. We allow you get deeper. We indulge you. We keep grooming you. You keep coming for free stuff and it keeps pulling you in… and one day, YOU FEEL OBLIGED TO RECIPROCATE. You feel that you OWE US AT LEAST ONE PURCHASE. And that’s THE POINT OF NO RETURN. 😁🙈❤️‍🩹🔥🌿

Our marketing budget is ALMOST ZERO. Our conversion rate is ALMOST 90%.

This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And this is THE MEMBERSHIP ECONOMY.

If you have read this and you decide to NEVER GET ANY COACH AGAIN; such that all you want to do is PUT THESE TIPS TO WORK FOR YOU, you will come back and thank me forever.

Try this. Call me a SCAM if it fails you. But before you do, one last secret: ONLY A LIBERAL & EMPATHETIC PERSON CAN IMPLEMENT THIS SUCCESSFULLY. Check yourself. The Membership Economy is a LOVE SYSTEM. That’s all.

I have helped you. For more information, join my special cohort: GROUP COACHING WITH THE OCTOPUS. July 2022. Let’s do it. Ask me how!!!

m a k t u b!!!

PS: This model can work for ANY INDUSTRY & SECTOR if you are patient enough to make the transition. I can help you, if you make the critical decision to sit with me this July. Call +234 703 595 3367 for more information.

The Octopus

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