

“SOBCA at 5” Anniversary events kick off tomorrow (Saturday) and we are more than glad. We are grateful too. The colloquium holds tomorrow. We had 135 registrations for this event alone. And we sent a private email invitation to them and mentioned the sponsors of the refreshments we are having

“SOBCA at 5” Anniversary events kick off tomorrow (Saturday) and we are more than glad. We are grateful too.

The colloquium holds tomorrow. We had 135 registrations for this event alone. And we sent a private email invitation to them and mentioned the sponsors of the refreshments we are having. The sponsors have branded their meals with their contact details so that AT LEAST 100 CONTACTS will become POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS of these vendors. If these vendors do their homework of following up and up-selling properly, that is a LIFETIME VALUE OF A CUSTOMER ACQUIRED AT THE COST OF SPONSORSHIP.


LTV = LTR minus CAC

LTV = LifeTime Value (of a customer)
LTR = LifeTime Returns (on a customer)
CAC = Customer Acquisition Cost (How much it cost to gain a customer)

How do you calculate CAC?
A sponsor may spend N100,000.00 to support our event. And we have 135 people attending, CAC can be 100000 divided by 135 which equals N174 per customer. This means a vendor got a customer at the cost of ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FOUR NAIRA ONLY. This means they need ONLY 135 purchases at N174 to BREAKEVEN over their lifetime and IF ANY CUSTOMER SPENDS N175, the vendor has made profit OF N1 on ONE CUSTOMER.

Imagine spending N174 to get a customer and making Millions from the same customer (and their referrals) FOR LIFE!!!

For the private dinner anniversary event, we have invited 170 Special Guests. All the sponsors will be mentioned too and they will share the contact details, if they want.

Why have I shared this message?

  1. Learn to sponsor events. The visibility will go A LONG WAY for your brand.
  2. Learn to UTILIZE Customer details. When you sponsor, ask for access to customers and customer data from your host. You need the access so you can groom your LTV.
  3. Invest in the customer data. Mine the data and make it count for you.

This is wisdom. Let me stop here.

m a k t u b!!!


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