

Okay… the title of this post should have been “3 THINGS KILLING YOUR POTENTIALS TO EARN MORE REVENUE.”

  1. Your Personal Brand is INDIFFERENT. It is neither loved nor hated. Yuck!!! 🤢🤮 … and this is where my issue with Canva comes from… many of you are using Canva as a trade off for proper graphics and visuals. See!!! UNLESS YOU HAVE GLOBAL COMPETENCIES IN DESIGNS AND CREATIVE WORK, CANVA CANNOT BE YOUR SUBSTITUTE FOR TIMELESS VISUALS. If you are not a great graphics designer, please hire one for any serious sales visuals you are creating. YOUR SALES IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE COMPELLING VISUALS YOU SHARE. Some basic designs are okay with Canva. But any serious product or service you want to really sell must come with TOP NOTCH VISUALS.

This is single-handedly why SOBCA took off in 2015. When I met Fola, we were still doing amateur designs but the moment Fola took over, everything turned around. GREAT GRAPHICS ENHANCE YOUR PERSONAL BRAND.

  1. Another angle to personal branding is YOUR CONTENT AUTHORITY. If you want to be taken seriously at all, you must establish your authority by putting out great and constructive content that show you understand the problems in your sector, you have ideas how they can be solved and you can offer the support. Identify these challenges, THINK THROUGH A PROCESS OF SOLVING THEM, write about these solutions, share them as widely as possible and see how people will salute you 🫡 for being a voice to their heart. SOLUTIONS BASED CONTENT IS A STRONG BRAND BUILDER.
  2. Community Leverage is the 3rd angle to why you may not be earning as highly as you want. You’re working in a silo. You’re the only one doing your thing. Well, this may work but most times, it doesn’t. Especially as an upcoming brand, teach yourself to HOST OTHER VOICES within and outside your sector. Bring them on your platform. And in return, they could host you on theirs. The ripple effect of this is BRAND VISIBILITY, BRAND CREDIBILITY and BRAND TRUST. You see, if people don’t see you and trust you, they won’t pay you. Some of you feel ‘it is my platform. Let me stay in my lane.’ It may be a stale platform. For example, each year during BSG Summit, we gain a massive global traction because of the HEAVYWEIGHTS we host annually. I am not as popular enough to pull all the traffic and weight to BSG Summit, which is a multimillion Naira budget… so to make it happen, I leverage my communities.

There are many more I could share but let me reserve it for “8-Hour MBA” holding in 3 DAYS TIME. Have you registered yet? If no; click https://selar.co/skze or ask for account details.


m a k t u b!!!

The Octopus

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