

The strategy in this post can apply to EVERYONE. Just so you know. 😁

The world over, I personally believe that there are 3 MAIN JUNCTIONS to becoming a person of value, wealth and relevance. Just 3!!!

  1. Self Audit: the first thing you must do is x-ray your resources, capabilities and core competencies. There is something you HAVE, something you DO SO WELL and something you’ve LEARNT SO WELL. Any or all of these 3 are ENOUGH to sell. Usually people don’t even know that they have what many people want. A knowledge, an awareness, information, skill, capacity, experience, etc. As simple as “HOW TO GET SOMEONE TO LIKE YOU” can be a skill you can be known for. ALL OF US HAVE WHAT WE DO EFFORTLESSLY AND IT IS ENOUGH TO SELL AND MAKE MONEY FROM.

The usual problem here is the question “why will I sell what many people know how to do?” From my experience, it is not true. That something feels or is common for you does not mean it is common or easy for someone else. It is not. WHATEVER YOU ARE VERY EFFICIENT AT IS YOUR TRADE RESOURCE. SELL IT! Point Number 1: Know Yourself.

  1. Let people know what you have that they want: this means SHOW UP, EVERY DAY. I mean, why do you moan about being broke when you have a lot to sell? But how will you sell if you don’t PROMOTE what you want to sell? This is usually the headache introverts have. HOW TO SELL TO PEOPLE. Let me share 16 channels that an introvert can sell WITHOUT BEING IN ANYBODY’S SPACE:
    A. WhatsApp status
    B. WhatsApp Broadcast lists
    C. WhatsApp Groups
    D. Twitter
    E. Twitter Fleets
    F. IG Post
    G. IG Stories
    H. IG DM
    I. Facebook Post
    J. Facebook Groups
    K. Facebook Pages
    L. Facebook Stories
    M. Telegram Channels
    N. LinkedIn Post
    O. SMS
    P. Email Posts (like this one that you are reading)

So step number 2 is: VISIBILITY/AWARENESS.

  1. Now, it is one thing to be pushing out your ideas, content, products and services. It is another thing to actually have people respond to it. So the 3rd part is CTA .. which means CALL TO ACTION.

Call To Action is when you PROMPT PEOPLE TO REACT TO YOUR PROMOTIONS. Now, I employ CTA in 2 ways:


Time Shortage means making an offer to hire you or buy from you for a BENEFIT tied to TIME. E.g: I will offer 10% discount on all my books for ONLY 6 HOURS. This means your book will sell at a lesser amount for 6 hours only.

Resource Shortage means making an offer available only for FEW PEOPLE. E.g: I will offer THE FIRST 3 PEOPLE a 10% discount. This means only 3 people will have access to this discount irrespective of how long or short it takes to get 3 people.

Basically, make sure you put out your messages and ASK PEOPLE TO CALL, EMAIL, TEXT OR WHATSAPP YOU TO GET VALUE FOR YOUR OFFER.

I hope this helps you a great deal. Feels like a masterclass to me. What do you think?

Now, go try this out and tell me what happened?

m a k t u b!!!


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