SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Some of us work hard to set up businesses only to see them fail under our watches. When a business idea is conceived, I think the owner expects it to last for as long as it is yielding enough revenue. Revenue in itself is not a wish, it is the outcome of the structure put in place. This structure attracts or repels patronage. Many owners of businesses pay so much attention on aesthetics that they forget to get the right human resources for the provision of quality service.
Some of us work hard to set up businesses only to see them fail under our watches. When a business idea is conceived, I think the owner expects it to last for as long as it is yielding enough revenue. Revenue in itself is not a wish, it is the outcome of the structure put in place. This structure attracts or repels patronage. Many owners of businesses pay so much attention on aesthetics that they forget to get the right human resources for the provision of quality service.
Until recently, I will dash into any new outlet based on the billboards/posters advertising such outlets. Have I been disappointed more times than I was impressed? A resounding yes. A case in point was a few years ago when I stumbled on this advert on Yakubu Gowon way in Maitama Abuja. Almost all the street light poles were taken up by this advert. Initially I thought it was an estate coming up or an artist coming to town, but there was something about the name that didn’t add up to my thoughts. After a while, it dawned on me that it was an Amala joint. I screamed eureka 💡 . Off I went in search of my perceived quality oriented joint based on the advertisement. Was I disappointed? Now don’t get me wrong. I do not expect a 5-star attention from a no-star rated outlet.
What do you say to a pharmacy sales person who terminates a transaction because they do not have low bills and did not make any attempt to conclude the transaction or a waiter who told me he was not the one who prepared the meal after I complained that the protein was not well cooked. When new people patronise your outlet and initial patrons don’t return, something is wrong. Where sales is near constant, but there are more new faces than old ones, please do a reappraisal. Either the product or service is not meeting up the expectations of your target market or the service delivery is poor.
Where you have other ventures or activities that limit the time you spend in your business outlets that interface with people, please do well to hire right.
I read of a young startup who did not deliver on her promise and her client wrote about it on twitter. You know what this young startup did? She apologised profusely, accepted responsibility, delivered the products to the client and refunded the money paid. That was beyond comprehending. That singular act brought so much business her way because we do not experience so much of that in our clime.
Having said all of these, I will suggest that intending business owners should put a structure in place that will throw up these challenges while the project is still on the drawing board. Business owners should hire right. Not in terms of high end staff, but those who are interested in such businesses and willing to learn from that business and eventually own a similar outlet.
People who will apologise easily, be cautious, exhibit simple and basic mannerism. I recommend business owners read a book titled: “Attitude Is Everything” by Jeff Keller.
Thank me later.
Ray Davies is an Operations Consultant, Farmer, Trainer and Wholesale Confectionery Trader. She lives in Abuja and can be reached via +234 806 453 5990 or