SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Attending this event admits you into BSG Summit 2023 AUTOMATICALLY.
By registering to attend this virtual event, you equally secure your seat at the annual BSG Summit holding on June 10th at Fraser Suite Abuja.
I just completed a strategy session where we mapped: The Community OS … utilizing the operating system of communities to drive longterm deployment of knowledge for feedback-based service quality and product design.
In 2006, I said “I hate marketing”. From 2010 to date, I have read books, attended courses, watched a lot of videos, followed experts and practiced every single day how to become a better marketer. I market for a living now AND IT IS NOT EASY AT ALL. 😭 😢 😮💨
This year, we undertake the 4th edition of BSG SUMMIT. I bless God for sustaining this vision despite the odds.
Adidas has been paying Beyoncé 20 Million USD annually since 2018 (B) to be their influencer BUT IT HAS NOT BROUGHT THEM PROFIT TO DATE.
Today, my tenure as Advisory Board Member on a French-Tunisian Startup closed. It was a Full Year of learning and of great exposure from Co-Founders, other Board Members and VC Representatives from Kenya 🇰🇪 , Tunisia 🇹🇳 , France 🇫🇷 , and UK 🇬🇧
My first ever public speaking opportunity was in 1989. I was in Primary 5. I was one of 6 Pupils who made a public presentation to late Mrs Maryam Babangida at the Multipurpose Indoor Sports Hall in Bauchi. Our topic was ORAL REHYDRATION THERAPY (ORT). It has been 34 years of speaking at different fora, platforms and places, local and international.
Today again, we received another Corporate Registration for CCMOC (Competent Community Manager Online Course). Slowly, we are building a robust tribe of Community Managers, especially for Corporate Organizations
This morning I had a strategy session with an organization that is present in 4 countries. We spent more than 1 hour distilling their MEMBERSHIP MODEL ADAPTATIONS.
I spent over 90 minutes sharing with about 82 People across a few continents via Zoom on Sunday afternoon. My topic was THE DARK SIDE OF SALES. My Host was the ingenious and resourceful Praise Fowowe, Founder of House of Saviours Texas USA.