SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
2019 was my most trying year in grief because that was when all the activities and sympathising visits dropped to a near stop. The initial shock of Yakubu’s demise was waning for most and life was gradually returning to almost…
What’s the persona of late Yakubu in our home? How is Mr O’ taking it? How is Mrs O’ navigating marrying a Divorcee?
Today, I was a Guest Coach at the annual retreat of a media company where I talked about CREATIVE BUSINESS IS EMOTIONAL
Divorce is not the end of the world but divorce has severe impact on the parties involved and all their loved ones. Sometimes, you feel so lonely. Sometimes, you feel bad (times even guilty). Sometimes, you feel anxious and worried
This week alone, there has been 3 mob actions that made the news. The most known is the Sokoto episode. There has been 1 in Edo and another one in Lagos. MOB ACTION IS A SYMPTOM OF A DEEPER PROBLEM.…
Last weekend, I had a mental health meltdown; the first since 2018. It was unexpected and very hard. I have bottled up a lot of emotions and stress over time, I guess my body could not take it any longer. I lost sleep, I was anxious and in panic mode. My head throbbed. My body trembled every hour. I had dizzy spells and had a blackout at a time. My chest constricted. I was withdrawn from a couple of people and also aggressive to some people. To majority of people ‘online’, I put up a face of happiness. It looked all good. But I was losing my mind. I honestly imagined a lot about being ‘gone’ once and for all… YET…
Reno Omokri, the former social media aide to President GEJ, said “The Worst WhatsApp/Telegram Group to belong to is your secondary school alumni group.”
As a passionate student of advertising, marketing and branding, I try to analyze any materials I see from brands in public. When I saw the MUNCH-IT advert with #Davido, sincerely, I criticized the way it was done. I felt it was tacky and not tidy.
Most people think that investing time and resources working on their romantic relationships is not the most productive use of their time.
The amazing thing is that most of us have not taken out time to count the cost of an emotionally unstable romantic relationship on our productivity and personal peace of mind
When one experiences grief, there is the tendency to succumb to deep anguish and distress or suffering. The pain eats deep and becomes a familiar cloak that tends to be a form of comfort.