SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
There are 3 Models a Business Owner MUST embrace if they will really have LONG TERM success.
We Made It. We Did It. The Mini Summit Was A Smash. Thank you!!!!!
I have observed that many of us don’t understand strategy that can give us an edge so I would like to advise on JUST 2 EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES out of about 7 that I have tried. Maybe this can help you in 2022. Please read this carefully. Thank you. [If you want the full length of strategy session, we will do this as a BSG Full Session in 2022. If you have not joined BSG, do so like yesterday.]
Richard Branson came to Nigeria with a lot of positive intentions to build Virgin Airlines. He left. He is quoted to have said ‘Nigerian Politicians are irredeemably corrupt.’
If you have ever attempted to send BULK EMAILS to your leads or prospects, it is most likely you have used MAIL CHIMP.
More than 90% of Nigerians DID NOT KNOW they needed or wanted MOBILE TELEPHONY. In fact, as at 1999 when GSM was approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria, I was 20 years old and all my knowledge about telephony was limited to NITEL and NITEL PHONE BOOTHS.
My housekeeper approached me this morning and asked ‘Sir, I saw a book on your table on ‘Family Finance’; is it okay if I read it Sir?’
I was sincerely, evidently shocked!!!
As at 2020, there are 1 Billion Users of Google Drive. This means 1 billion users pay varying fees to access Google Drive. The cheapest being $1.99 and the costliest package being $9.99 (it was $49.99) per user per month.
Most people think that investing time and resources working on their romantic relationships is not the most productive use of their time.
The amazing thing is that most of us have not taken out time to count the cost of an emotionally unstable romantic relationship on our productivity and personal peace of mind
“SOBCA at 5” Anniversary events kick off tomorrow (Saturday) and we are more than glad. We are grateful too.
The colloquium holds tomorrow. We had 135 registrations for this event alone. And we sent a private email invitation to them and mentioned the sponsors of the refreshments we are having. The sponsors have branded their meals with their contact details so that AT LEAST 100 CONTACTS will become POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS of these vendors. If these vendors do their homework of following up and up-selling properly, that is a LIFETIME VALUE OF A CUSTOMER ACQUIRED AT THE COST OF SPONSORSHIP.