SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
Some years ago, I was a facilitator on Coca-Cola’s Youth Empowered programme. It was a programme of the Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) that ran in several cities for many years. On one of the days, a participant came into the hall with a product of Pepsi. You only need to see how the entire NBC reacted to that. It was like a TABOO had entered the room. I was stunned. That was my first lesson in Branding and Brand Loyalty. WoW!!!
Some years ago, I was a facilitator on Coca-Cola’s Youth Empowered programme. It was a programme of the Nigerian Bottling Company (NBC) that ran in several cities for many years. On one of the days, a participant came into the hall with a product of Pepsi. You only need to see how the entire NBC reacted to that. It was like a TABOO had entered the room. I was stunned. That was my first lesson in Branding and Brand Loyalty. WoW!!!
So last week, Cristiano Ronaldo was at a press interview and on his table were 2 bottles of Coca-Cola drinks and bottles of water. CR7, as he is called, moved the Coca-Cola bottles aside and picked a bottled water. He did not stop there. He chanted ‘Aqua’ (Latin word for ‘Water’). That singular incidence CRASHED the value price of Coca-Cola by $4bn … a whooping FOUR BILLION US DOLLARS. WoW!!!
Firstly, I wish I could break down the POWER OF INFLUENCE. This means YOUR BRAND CAN RISE AND FALL BY A PERSON. Is that not why Elon Musk alone speculates prices of Bitcoin and it rises or plummets? Massive. WHO IS THE INFLUENCE RAISING OR FALLING YOUR BRAND? HOW CAN YOU LEVERAGE ON INFLUENCE TO RAISE YOUR BRAND VALUE?
Secondly, let me share a thought about Branding! If you do not take your brand personal, no one will. You must FIGHT to put your brand in a top place, guarded, protected, preserved and growing. If anyone inside your business is comparing or indulging your competition ‘against’ your brand, you must demonstrate ZERO TOLERANCE for that. Your Brand is EVERYTHING.
Thirdly, if you were sponsoring an event (like Coca-Cola is sponsoring the Euro2020 Soccer competition) and one of the stakeholders severally impacts on your business to the extent that its value crashes badly, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Imagine losing N10,000,000.00 or N100,000,000.00 or even 1 Billion Naira (depending on your business level), because someone ‘influential’ took a wrong action. WHAT WOULD YOU DO?
For me, I don’t know yet. Maybe your perspective will give me light.
So what do you think?
m a k t u b!!!