SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
You see the image on the right titled ‘New Implementation Consulting’, is how Brand Community design and development is done.
Long Post Alert. There are 11 Points in this post. Now, save this post, read the 11 points again and Practice! Practice!! Practice!!! Thank you. m a k t u b !!! Sam Obafemi, DBAThe Octopus 🐙
2025 Won’t Wait, So Why Should You?
Fairly Long Post. The first part is FREE STRATEGY. The later part are BOXES OF OPPORTUNITIES. Please read to the end.
If you know you have something you want the world to enjoy from you and experience you, study this framework and apply it.
I have been scouting for a strong personal brand in Abuja to fit into an event. Someone whose name compels traction and is identified with depth. IT HAS BEEN VERY TOUGH.
This post is for the people who are new to my TL or my person. Those who know me from way back will resonate with this message.
When you are afraid of losing big money, you’re not ready to make big money.
There is no single soul that God made to not succeed. God designed you to be HIS PROOF OF GLORY.
I am SELLING OFF the ENTIRE RIGHTS (hard copy, soft copy and Ownership) and RELINQUISHING my rights to the PRICE of the titles.