If you have ever attempted to send BULK EMAILS to your leads or prospects, it is most likely you have used MAIL CHIMP.
More than 90% of Nigerians DID NOT KNOW they needed or wanted MOBILE TELEPHONY. In fact, as at 1999 when GSM was approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria, I was 20 years old and all my knowledge about telephony was limited to NITEL and NITEL PHONE BOOTHS.
“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.” - Proverbs 22:1
Anywhere you turn, you will hear the word ‘branding’. If you are aware, the word ‘branding’ simply means ‘a good name’.
Suppose you had to suddenly leave your business due to an unforeseen circumstance like an accident, illness, or the opening of a new opportunity, would your business survive?
If the answer to this question is no, then your business is overly dependent on you, which is unhealthy
Personally, when I see quotes like “A SALARY is the BRIBE they pay you to FORGET your DREAMS”, I believe it is a VERY IGNORANT perspective. Very!
Some of us work hard to set up businesses only to see them fail under our watches. When a business idea is conceived, I think the owner expects it to last for as long as it is yielding enough revenue. Revenue in itself is not a wish, it is the outcome of the structure put in place. This structure attracts or repels patronage. Many owners of businesses pay so much attention on aesthetics that they forget to get the right human resources for the provision of quality service.
When one experiences grief, there is the tendency to succumb to deep anguish and distress or suffering. The pain eats deep and becomes a familiar cloak that tends to be a form of comfort.
Your choice of employees can determine whether your business would be successful or if it would crash. As a result, many founders and business owners are often faced with the challenge of finding the right talent for their business. Beyond that, they are also faced with the challenge of retaining these talents.
There is an organization that certifies consultants in Nigeria. I won’t mention their name since it is not an advert (if you know, you know 😜 ). But I like what they are doing. They have found a MARKET WANT and designed a VALUE PROPOSITION around that want. So they simply HARVEST PROSPECTS and TORRENT-EMAIL them to join their community. The fee is N150,000.00 (around $300). With this amount, and a workshop, you’re admitted into the credible society of consultants.
Staff Density is defined as THE NUMBER AND QUALITY OF PEOPLE YOU HAVE IN YOUR EMPLOYMENT; BOTH FULL TIME AND PART TIME. Provided you are paying these people MONTHLY WAGES, they constitute your staff density.
One of the MOST EFFICIENT decisions we made at SOBCA/BSG is to keep our density LOW. We have ALWAYS had a VERY LEAN team. Few staff who do a lot and we get the results.
According to Reed Hastings (CEO, Netflix), the larger your team gets, the harder it becomes to keep a water-tight culture.