SOBCA, Abuja Nigeria
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 6PM
There are 3 things I want you to consider as the VEHICLES TO BREAKTHROUGH …
1. ASSOCIATIONS: The quality of people in your networks is a true vehicle to anything you want to achieve in this life. It is he/she who knows people that goes ON TOP of any situation. If you are a recluse, I am sorry, you may not really go so far. INVEST IN ORGANIC ASSOCIATIONS BASED ON PURPOSE AND LONG TERM OBJECTIVES.
Let’s face it. This period in Nigeria is very challenging as an employer. The cost of virtually everything has skyrocketed. It is safe to generalize and say everything is costlier than they were even 6 months ago. EVERYTHING!!!
There is an organization that certifies consultants in Nigeria. I won’t mention their name since it is not an advert (if you know, you know 😜 ). But I like what they are doing. They have found a MARKET WANT and designed a VALUE PROPOSITION around that want. So they simply HARVEST PROSPECTS and TORRENT-EMAIL them to join their community. The fee is N150,000.00 (around $300). With this amount, and a workshop, you’re admitted into the credible society of consultants.
My usual hideout in Lagos is SuruExpress Hotel on Joel Ogunnaike (yes, you can call this an unpaid advert). I have used that hotel since 2017. Because of the COVID, I haven’t gone there since 2019 when I came back from Mauritius 🇲🇺 trip. So last weekend, I checked in for the first time ever since. It felt like home. Seeing old staff welcome me back was so heartwarming. I love Suru Express Hotel for the coziness, warmth, responsive staff and secrecy-appeal. 😜
I have designed this single 3-hour session. This is for anyone, if you want to:
1. Take your financial future into your hands.
2. Reverse the scary trend of not affording anything you want.
3. Live within the reach of what you can afford and more.
Simply put, if you want to know how money can come to you fluidly, this is a course you must not miss.
I have made it EXTREMELY AFFORDABLE especially because it is SOBCAonline 5th Anniversary season. Until August 8th, I will continue to make my fees ridiculously affordable. With only N2,500.00, you will get:
1. Access to the Live Zoom Class.
2. Free Replay of the Class (even if you won’t make the class, pay to get the replay).
3. 3 hours of engagement with me during the class.
This class is worth N250,000.00 only. You are getting it at 1% Cost (N2,500.00). Don’t disgrace your lineage by missing this class.
“LESS THAN 10% OF VOCATIONAL PEOPLE IN NIGERIA ARE HONEST.” That is what he told me. Instantly, I felt like a fool. Because at the instant, voices flushed through my head of everything everyone else had told me about trust too easily and being too gullible. I hated that it seemed true after all; I trust too quickly and I love people to easily.
Originally titled ‘Ameno’, the song performed by E.R.A has been trending on Nigerian social media for the past 2 weeks. Clubs, artistes and social media influencers have been sampling the song.
What most people are sampling is derived from Olamide’s 2013 remix (sampling) of the original track done in 1996 (25 years ago). WoW!!! 25 years ago and a song makes a huge comeback.
This strategy in business is called SAMPLING.
I have an estimated 7,000 followers on Facebook (5,000 Friends and around 2,000 Followers). Let me now shock you.
LESS THAN 200 of this 7,000 human beings have ever bought ANYTHING from me. LESS THAN 200. That is 2.86%. 🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂
What this means is that FACEBOOK IS NOT MY PRIMARY MARKET.
When Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, if you had joined at the beginning in 2004-2007, it was super boring. I recall using so many hours to upload the list of my favorite books that I have read (Facebook helped you keep an e-library), family tree, favorite music and favorite movies, etc
My hair grows weekly so I visit the barber shop weekly. Because of my characteristic laziness though, it sometimes takes a fortnight and by then, my head already itches and makes me feel uncomfortable. So I must do the visit latest 10 days apart.